Book Review: Multiply by Francis Chan
Another book is in the books, ha! This was the second book I finished this year and it was another great one. I chose Multiply by Francis Chan for two reasons:
- Because I heard it was good! Really, this was one of my first thoughts. Many friends whose opinion I respect had mentioned that this was a great book.
- The theme of the book is evangelism. This is such a great topic that I think every Christian can use encouragement on!
I’m typically a quick reader, but with kiddos running around it can be difficult to read much at a time. So my goal has been to read one chapter a day, and so far it’s been easy enough to stick with! Multiply is a fairly large book and it took me a bit to get through it, but by the end of it I wasn’t ready for it to be over! Francis Chan does a wonderful job of breaking down the gospel and giving a great Biblical timeline of the Israelites journey to the promised land and what ensued after.
Each chapter has around eight questions sprinkled throughout it to answer as you read. I really loved this aspect of the book! The questions kept me focused and gave me extra to think about even after I finished a chapter. (#ProTip: write your answers in an extra journal besides the book so you can loan the book out to friends/family when you’re finished!) Many of the questions also had me reading long passages of scripture that I had to go find and read in my Bible. I appreciated this too as it helped me become more familiar with my Bible.
Multiply doesn’t jump straight into points on evangelizing, but sets the stage by walking through a Biblical timeline. Once the stage was set, I felt more prepared to receive the chapters regarding evangelism. Overall, I ended the book feeling challenged yet encouraged by this book. My Biblical knowledge was strengthened and my heart was convicted. I absolutely recommend this book if you want to gain boldness, knowledge, and more in your walk with Christ.
Want to order Multiply? Here is the link!
Looking for another sound book? Find my first book review here!
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