But Grace.
Y’all, I struggle.
I’m impatient with my kids, I snap at my hubby. Somedays I pray for bedtime to come faster. Some nights I lie awake thinking of how I could have done better.
But grace. Grace surrounds me. Grace captures my heart and removes those thoughts. I am impatient and snappy. I do have bitter thoughts and hard days. Being a good wife, a good mom, a good person is not something I will ever be.
But God. God has seen. God knows all my shortcomings and He has poured, showered, enveloped me in His love. I will never be good on my own. There has only ever been one truly good person: Jesus Christ. And you what that one perfect man did? What He did for me?
He died a painful death. A necessary death. He took the weight of all of my sin, my shortcomings, my wretchedness upon Himself. So that in God’s eyes, I am redeemed. I am covered. I am spared. I am saved.
I struggle. But Christ has bared my burdens and so much more.
“Your grace a well too deep to fathom.
Your love exceeds the heavens reach.
Your truth, a found of perfect wisdom.
My highest good and my unending need.”
Everyday is still a struggle against my flesh, against the sin around me. But grace surrounds me. God is with me. Jesus has saved me. My hope is not (should not) be to be a good person. My hope, my goal, is to bring glory to the one who holds everything in the palm of His hands.
He is gracious. And praise be to Him for loving someone who struggles.
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Cindy Milz
I remember being at a Sadie Robertson evening and having many of these same thoughts. So many things I wish I had done better with marriage and parenting. I don’t remember now what she was talking about, but it brought all of this to mind. As she had us stop and pray to the Lord about whatever we were struggling with, I prayed about this and how I felt like such a failure. . I remember so clearly Jesus saying, on my own yes I had and would continue to fail and to fall short, but in Him I have an A+ because He makes up the difference in my failures and perfection. I realized I was NOT the perfect mom or wife, and never would be, but because of Jesus I didn’t have to live in the sorrows and regret. 2 Cor. 12:9-10 tells us His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. So thankful His grace covers all! Love you sweetie 💜
Yes! Love this and you!!❤