A Rough Day
Phew. Today was a rough day. We started the morning out with Kayson insistent on pulling all of Cheyenne’s hair out of her head. Don’t ask me why, because I have no idea. Next, both girls refused to eat their breakfast and most of the food I prepared ended up on the floor. This was followed by the reiteration of needing a snack from my three year. Because, ya know, she most of her breakfast became inedible. Can you feel my patience wearing thin?
Although I was already exhausted from a sleepless night (thank you, nursing baby!) and a rough start to the morning, I pressed on. Somehow I was able to complete a workout with my one year old crying next to me because, once again, I would not allow her to pull her sisters hair. Finally, we made it to nap time. The tension in my shoulders and attitude began to relax as Kayson’s eyes began to close. But what’s that I hear? Oh goodness. There’s Cheyenne knocking on the door calling for help to go potty. The knocks awaken Kayson and any chance of a nap disappear.
Ok, time to reevaluate the day.
Everyone get dressed and load into the car! This sounds simple enough but actually took a good 45 minutes to carry out. Next we headed to Chick-fil-a. Kayson eventually decided to take that nap in the car, and I was able to eat my lunch peacefully in a parking spot. Cheyenne’s grumpiness also began to waver as chicken nuggets filled her belly. The rest of the day was looking up.
An hour later, we ended up at Target. I know, cliche right? But it was the only non stressful place I could think of to go. And I needed to get a couple things anyway, because.. well.. Target!
And what do ya know…
My two grumpy kids became the sweetest little girls you ever saw. They giggled with each other through the store, ate snacks together, and played with books in the toy section. I was honestly surprised at the complete change that had happened in only an hour. Not only had the change happened with their attitude, but with mine as well.
What’s the purpose of this post? Don’t be discouraged if you are having a rough day. Those babies you love so dearly will drive you insane. And chances are, you’re driving them crazy too. So take a step back, take a drive, grab a fun snack, and change your scenery. It’s just a day and it can be changed. On that drive to the store, I also said a prayer. I needed God to give me patience, to give me grace, and to give me love. And to forgive me for my lack of all of those things.
Once again, I’m sweetly reminded of God’s unending grace towards me. While I falter just about every minute, His love abounds for me all the more. Today, I am thankful for this reminder. And so thankful for His grace in turning my day around.

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