Book Review: “Alone with God” by John Macarthur
My new year resolution for 2019 was to read more books. I absolutely love to read, but since having babies, my time to read has been cut quite short. I eventually stopped trying to find time to read altogether, but still felt a longing to dig into a book. Finally, I realized that the only way I was going to be able to read again would be if I made time to read. Sounds simple, right? But as a mom, your desires often get put on the back burner while keeping tiny humans alive and making time for unproductive things can often feel wasteful. I decided this would be different.
Every morning, I have about an hour of time to myself. One baby naps and the other has her bit of T.V. time while I do a workout then drink my coffee. This was the perfect time to slip in some reading. I figured if it ended up being only 10 minutes of reading a day, those 10 minutes were better than nothing. And what better book to start with than a book by John Macarthur?
Not long before the New Year, Grace To You was giving away a free book by Macarthur and all you had to do was claim one. Such an amazing offer that I quickly jumped on! A while later, I received his book “Alone with God” in the mail, a book about prayer. This book was just what I needed. Not only was I struggling with reading, but I was also struggling with prayer. I quickly dug in!

This book was so wonderful. John Macarthur is an extraordinary writer articulating his points so well while staying true to Biblical context. Macarthur centered the book around the Lord’s prayer. “Alone with God” challenged me but also simplified prayer for me as well.
- There are no qualifications needed to pray.
- God is ever gracious.
- Prayer is essential.
These were all things I needed reminding of and Macarthur’s book did just that. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great read! It also comes with a study guide in the back that would be wonderful to go through with a group or just a friend. Stay tuned for more book reviews throughout this year as I continue to (slowly) work my way through my reading list. In the meantime, grab a cuppa coffee and dig into Alone with God!

What books do you love to read?
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